By John O'Hare, Co-Founder, Pedors Shoes
As you most likely know, (as you are reading this page), hammer toes bend up at the middle joint of the toe and over time can become quite rigid. There are other similar toe problems such claw toes, mallet toes, overlapping toes, floating toes and so on, all of which bend the toes up in one form or another.
Bunions form when some of the bones in the big toe and the front of your foot move out place and the foot pushes outwards at side of the foot at the big toe. The medical term for this is Hallux Valgus.
All of these conditions can be annoying and often painful.
If you are suffering with one or a combination of these conditions, you will need shoes designed to accommodate these foot issues.
The video was uploaded on 9/23/2021.
You can view the video here.
The video lasts for 31 seconds.
Features to look out for are:
If you have very swollen feet, edema or lymphedema you will need to be on the lookout for shoes with all of the above features, but also that are available in XX-Wide (4E) or XXX-Wide (6E) widths, such as these shoes below. Read our shoes for swollen feet guide here.
Yes. Some Pedors styles are ideal for braces. The preferred Pedors style for people with braces is the Pedors Stretch Walker. That style is available in four widths, from a wide all the way up to a XXX-Wide (6E) and even has a stretch panel on the top for hammertoe relief.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us at support@pedors.com or call 1-800-750-6729 if in the USA or +1 770 218 8282 if outside the USA.