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​Evolution Of The Revolution Of Pedors Shoes

Posted by John O'Hare on Sep 06, 2024

When my brother Stephen and I started Pedors in 1997 we had no idea that it would take off the way it did but looking back it is easy to see why. Patients and practitioners were crying out for lightweight, easy to fit, machine washable, orthotic friendly shoes in multiple sizes for people with diabetes, arthritis, corns, bunions, hammertoes, PVD, Lymphedema and more. All that was available at the time were heavy leather shoes that were low on functionality and features and were difficult (and costly) to customize. Then we showed up with a revolutionary idea.

The first trade-shows we attended with our prototypes were a strong indicator of things to come, but as two young guys from the UK, we didn’t really appreciate the speed with which of we would scale.

Over the past 18-20 years many companies have “borrowed” our designs and concepts and put their own branding on them. They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but at times, it is a bitter pill to swallow. I think that it is better for the marketplace if the customer has a varied choice from different manufacturers who have different approaches to similar problems. That way the customer can find a shoe that meets and hopefully exceeds their needs. I think we all lose out when manufactures simply ape their competitors.

At Pedors our focus is on stretch, lightweight, heat-moldable, orthotic friendly, multiple widths, easy closure, machine washable, depth shoes…phew, out of breath. We have focused on this for many years and while some companies may be inspired by our innovations we are still the leader in this specific niche we created.

Best wishes,

John O’Hare